What is Eavestrough?

What is an Eavestrough?

It’s time to say Hello to spring, as winter in Canada is almost over. The days are not far when the snow on the roof of your houses will start melting, and you’ll need something to collect that water and move it away from your home to prevent any damage. 

Eavestrough with downspouts will help you prevent your home from damage. If you’re not familiar with these important parts of your home’s exterior, this article is perfect for you to learn more.

Different names are used for an eavestrough, as it is also known as a rain gutter, roof gutter, or water channel. If we talk about the structure of the eavestrough it is like a long, narrow trough that goes around the edge of your house’s roof. 

The purpose of this is to collect rainwater or melted snow from the roof and carry it away. The pipes that are used for the drainage of water are called downspouts or downpipes, as these pipes take the water to a drainage system.

What Makes Up Your Gutter System?

Let’s take a closer look at the different components that make up an eavestrough system:

  • Eavestrough: These are basically the channels that are used to catch water from the roof.
  • Downspouts: Downspouts are the pipes used to catch water from the roof to the ground.
  • Soffit: The bottom part of the roof overhang is termed as Soffit.
  • Fascia: It’s a horizontal board where the gutters are attached.
  • Gutter Guards: Just like filters, gutter guard works as these are used to stop leaves and other things from entering to prevent any blockage. 

What Eavestrough Options Best Match Your Home?

There is a long list of eavestroughs that are available in the market. You can classify eavestroughs on the basis of both the shapes of eavestroughs as well as the material used. 

By Shape:

  • K-Style: These eavestroughs have flat bottoms and backs, looking neat and modern.
  • Half-round: They are like a semi-circle, giving a classic, rounded appearance.
  • Leaf Barriers: These types of eavestroughs have a protective hood and curved lip that stop leaves and debris from clogging the system, ensuring smooth water flow.

By Materials:

  • Aluminum: Light and resistant to rust, aluminum eavestroughs are strong and affordable.
  • Copper: Known for their classy look, copper eavestroughs develop a special patina as they age.
  • Zinc: Durable and environmentally friendly, zinc eavestroughs are low-maintenance and have a unique, matte finish.
  • Steel: Sturdy and available in various styles, steel eavestroughs can withstand tough weather.
  • Vinyl: Lightweight and cost-effective, vinyl eavestroughs are easy to install and take care of.

The 4 Best Benefits of Eavestrough

Well, there are multiple benefits of using Eavestrough, but the top 4 benefits of Eavestrough are:

1. Effective Drainage System

Consider a situation in which your home is without eavestroughs. During rain or snowmelt, water simply runs off the roof, creating messy splashes and detracting from your home’s appearance. The force of this water might even wash away soil, potentially causing damage to your basement.

However, with a functional eavestrough system, it channels rainwater and melted snow in a controlled manner through downspouts. This prevents a dirty appearance and safeguards your home from potential harm, including structural and garden damage.

2. Preventing Yard Flooding

In spring, as temperatures rise, snow melts swiftly, resulting in a substantial amount of water flowing from your roof. This can flood your yard, especially if your regular drainage system struggles with a sudden rush of water, especially during heavy rains.

To address this, you need a system that can collect and efficiently drain water. Installing multiple downspouts in areas that require water drainage makes it easier for water to flow away, preventing yard flooding.

3. Preventing Roof Damage

When snow on your roof melts, it must flow down. If it doesn’t drain correctly, it can pool in different areas on your roof. If it seeps under the shingles and remains stagnant, it can cause extensive damage to your roof, including rotting wood and shingles.

Eavestroughs, especially on sloped roofs, ensure water flows away, allowing your roof to dry out in the sunlight and preventing such disasters.

4. Enhancing Home Protection

Ever noticed a mini waterfall by your front door when it rains? This happens when you lack eavestroughs. Without them, water cascades off the roof’s edge all around your house, creating an unpleasant experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How often should I clean my eavestroughs?

Eavestroughs should be cleaned at least twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. However, the frequency may vary depending on the surrounding trees and the level of debris accumulation.

2. Can eavestroughs help conserve rainwater for gardening?

Yes, eavestroughs can be part of a rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater for gardening. It’s an eco-friendly way to water plants and reduce water bills.

3. Are there any legal regulations or permits required for eavestrough installation?

Regulations and permit requirements vary by location, so it’s essential to check with your local authorities or building department. In some areas, permits may be necessary for eavestrough installation.

4. Can I retrofit an existing home with an eavestrough system?

Yes, it’s possible to retrofit an existing home with an eavestrough system. A professional installer can assess your home and recommend the best approach for adding eavestroughs while minimizing any potential disruption.

5. What maintenance is required for an eavestrough system?

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your eavestrough system functioning optimally. This includes cleaning out debris, leaves, and twigs that can clog the channels and downspouts. It’s a good idea to inspect for leaks, rust, or damage and address any issues promptly.

6. How can I prevent ice dams from forming in my eavestroughs?

Ice dams can occur when snow melts, refreezes, and blocks the eavestrough, potentially causing damage. To prevent ice dams, ensure your attic is well-insulated and ventilated to maintain consistent temperatures on the roof. Proper maintenance and the use of heating cables can also help.

7. What should I do if my eavestroughs are overflowing during heavy rains?

Overflowing eavestroughs can be a sign of clogs or improper slope. Start by cleaning out any debris and ensuring the channels have the correct angle for water flow. If the problem persists, consult a professional to identify and address the issue.

8. What materials are eavestroughs typically made of?

Eavestroughs are commonly constructed from various materials, including Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, Steel, and Vinyl. Each material has its own advantages, such as durability and aesthetics, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.


Having an eavestrough system from Active Exterior can protect your home from water damage and ensure a safer, cleaner entrance for you and your guests.

Ready to upgrade your home’s exterior with an efficient eavestrough system? Contact Active Exterior today for a consultation and ensure your property stays dry and well-maintained throughout the year. Don’t wait for the next rainstorm to change your home’s exterior – take action now with Active Exterior!

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